zoho-verification=zb59036502.zmverify.zoho.in 3 Effective Ways to Know How to Create Backlinks of Website
If you are new in the blogging field then you may need to read this carefully, So if you are here to know how to create backlinks of website . Then read to the end . 

As you are new  and learning about off page seo techniques then backlinks plays a major role in it .

How to Create Backlinks of Website

How to Create Backlinks in Effective Way 

So if you have already created backlinks and you have to know how to check backlinks of website 

Which will help you to know that the backlinks are affecting your site or not .

And if they are effecting then in which way in a bad way or a good way . This is very important if you ignore this then it might result in dropping position of your website . 

Now first we will discuss about what are backlinks ,  how they matter seo , Types of backlinks , and after all this how to create backlinks of website . 

What are Backlinks ? 

Backlinks means a link which is redirecting to a page/post of your website whether its from your site or from another site . 

So in Simple Language the links which help in getting traffic or clicks from a website is called a Backlinks .

How Does Backlinks Matter in Seo ?

Backlinks does not matter in on page seo but .. they plays a major role in off page seo . And Backlinks is an important part of the off page seo technique . 

It does not mean that backlinks is not important backlinks are very crucial for helping in the ranking of SERP . 

But there are many website that does not have backlinks then how they achieve that position .

So first of all they are high authority sites and they already have a domain authority of 50 above and some sites have very much great and unique content through which they can rank without backlinks . 

That means backlinks affect seo and you need backlinks if you do not have other source of traffic at the initial stage . 

Types Of Backlinks 

As of now there are only two types of backlinks are introduced 

1) Inbound Backlinks 

2) Outbound Backlinks 

Both  the backlinks types are good but inbound baclinks are highly effiecient . 

Do not get bored by reading these information this is only for your blogging future . 

Now the major part that how to create backlinks of website

How to Create Backlinks of Website in 2021 

I will tell you about three major techniques by which you can get backlinks from another domain/website . 

3 methods of Creating Backlinks of Website 

1) Comment Backlinks 

Comment Backlinks is an old way of creating backlinks but still its effective and you can use but with a proper technique . 

Like many of you just go on your competitor website and comment the link of your post so this way is wrong and it will considered as a spam . 

So the genuine way to do this is get the do follow backlink code and then comment like nice etc and past the code and publish the comment .

2) Guest Posting 

The second and very popular method of creating backlinks of website is guest posting platform .
Like medium.com , quora , slide share etc .

You can post a short article there and paste the link of the article . 

3 ) Backlink Generator 

So the last and not recommended method is the backlinks generator tools like duplichecker etc and i does not recommend you to try this method so do at your own risk .

Because it can also generate some bad backlinks .


So this was  pretty much information about how to create backlinks of website so now you can easily create  the backlinks and do your job . 

And if you want to know adsense approvaal tips and tricks read it . 

Thanks .. 

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