zoho-verification=zb59036502.zmverify.zoho.in How to use Facebook Insights

 People might be wondering how well their Facebook accounts are doing. This feels essential for business related ventures, as they need to keep track of how many visits and likes their pages receive. This is Facebook Insights’ job: to keep track of those exact numbers you need to determine whether your marketing strategy is working or not.

To start, click the Settings button in your Facebook page and click “View Insights.” From there, there are 2 kids of insights you can look at: User Insights and Interaction Insights. User Insights keep track of the total likes your page has received, friends of fans, page visits and the like sources. Interaction Insights keep track of past activity (which includes likes, shares and comments), people talking about your page, and posts in your Timeline.

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To keep things simple, here are some important things you can take a look at:

1) Monthly Fan Base growth

This lets you keep track of the “likes” that were generated for the past month, starting from the 1st day of every month. You can find this information right on the Overview tab.

2) Post engagement and virality

The bottom of the Overview tab lets you keep track of what kind of posts are keeping your fans interested. You will find a set of columns that detail the dates of when the posts were made, excerpts of your posts on your Facebook page, the number of unique people who have seen your post and the number of people who have clicked on your post.

This also monitors the number of people who are Talking About This(number of people who created a story from your post, which happens when your post is liked, shared, commented on, or simply responded to) and the Virality of the post (the percentage of people who created a story from your post out of the unique people who have seen it).

3) Page “like” source

To check on the “likes” you’ve been getting on your fan page versus the “likes” you have in your blog, click the Likes tab on the dashboard, then scroll down to a section called Where Your Likes Came From, which lets you see the source of the likes you got from, including On Page(likes the page itself), Like Box and Like Button(likes on your page via the “Like” box), Timeline(likes on your post via the “Like” button from someone’s Timeline), Facebook Recommendations(likes from a Recommended Pages unit), Search Results(likes from the people’s Facebook search results) and Page Likes Another Page(likes from other Facebook pages).

4) Total tab views

Clicking on the “Reach” tab, selecting a date range and scrolling down to the bottom of the screen will show you the Total Tab Views, which shows you the number of times your tabs were viewed within those date ranges. Clicking “More” will show all of your tabs.

5) Referring traffic sources

Beside the Total Tab Views section is the External Referrers section, which shows you which websites are sending the most traffic to your Facebook page.

6) Exporting your data

You can export your data by clicking on the “Export Data” button, located at the top of your insights dashboard. Here, you can select a time range and pick between two different types of reports:

Page Level DataReports on your entire Facebook page from between your chosen time range, including total likes, daily unlikes, friends of fans and total impressions.

Post Level Data: Reports on each individual story posted in between your chosen time range, including likes, comments, shares, and even negative feedback for each post.

When it comes to monitoring your Facebook page for business purposes, the above mentioned are what you should be paying attention to.

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