Hey, what's up, guys? and in this article I'mgonna share with you 10 simple ways you canearn Robux in Roblox with or without Roblox Premium. So if you're ready to startmaking some fat stacks of Robux, be sure to watch thisvideo until the very end.
On Roblox there are manypeople who are looking for digital artists tomake graphics for them whether that be graphics fortheir game's user interface, their game's thumbnails, group logos, personal profile graphicsor really anything that would require animage that they would like to look as professional as possible.
Depending on how good your images look some people are willingto pay thousands of Robux for these graphics. Now you do not need Roblox Premium to make graphics forpeople and here's why. A little while back, Roblox made a feature where a group can pay outRobux to another player even if that player doesn'thave Roblox Premium.
So that is how you canmake Robux without Premium. So if you make some graphicsfor a war clan owner, a game developer or a role-playing group they can just pay out you the money. Simple as that. Most if not all of thesenext ways of getting Robux is gonna be availablefor non Premium users through group payouts.
Number two: making ads. Going along with numberone in graphic design, is making ads for people. Making ads is a good way tostart with graphic design especially if you aren'ttoo experienced with it because instead of makingan entire 1920 by 1080 image you're focusing on alot smaller of an image.
Now I'm sure you havenoticed these nice little ads on the side of your screen on Roblox.com. While I'm sure you might also know that these ads are paidfor by other Roblox users and they advertise fortheir groups or games.
Well, here's why that matters to you. Those players pay a lotof Robux to run those ads and so to make it worth itthey need people like you to make those ads forthem and make them so good that people will click on them. How you make an ad is by openingyour digital art program, set the image canvassize to either 728 by 90 for a banner ad, 160 by600 for a skyscraper ad, or 300 by 250 for a large rectangle ad.
And then after that, startmaking an eye catching image that will convince awandering eye to click on it. If you are good at graphic design you can make these ads forpeople and make a ton of Robux. Number three: make game trailers.
If you're not much into Photoshop but great in animation,cinematography and or video then this a good route for you to go. Making game trailers for games is still a somewhat new feature for game developers to have on their game's page right before someone plays their game.
And in many ways, it iswhat can convince a curious but indecisive playerto hit that Play button. Because of this, many gamedevelopers invest in having a nice game trailer to catchthe eye of soon to be players.
Game trailers can be nolonger than 30 seconds long and so you have to push all of your talent into that much time tomake an amazing trailer for your client. Because they want the bestof the best for their game that they've spent somuch time and money on, they'll pay a lot ofRobux for a game trailer.
I once made trailer for aguy that made a D-Day game, and I not only got a goodamount of Robux for it but I also made a reallygood friend out of it. Friends in this business is what you want if you want to keep having endless amounts of people wanting trailers from you. Again, Roblox Premium is not required.
Number four: make clothing. Another way to guarantee tomake Robux is by making clothes and selling them to otherplayers in the catalog. Making shirts can get really complex, but with a little artistic ability, even the most basic of clothing designers can start making and earningRobux from their clothes.
In quick terms, how you canmake clothes is you download a free digital art programlike paint.net or GIMP. Once you have that downloaded, you go download the shirttemplate from Roblox.com, delete the random colors, and from there, start drawing your design.
After your shirt is done youwant to save it as a .PNG file, then you just upload it toRoblox, set the shirt for sale and start seeing the salesbring in all kinds of Robux. Now, to upload clothes from your account you must have Roblox Premium to do so. However, like I said before, for all you non Premium people out there, groups are a way around Premium.
Although you personallycan't upload the clothes yourself without Premium,many groups allow players to send in their clothes by a3rd party client like Discord and then the owner uploads it for them. With this process youcan sell your clothes through the group and thenhave the owner of the group payout you the money you wouldhave gotten from the sales.
So I would recommend trying to land a spot on a designer groupwhere they let all kinds of designers upload theirwork and they payout to them. That's the easiest way without Premium. Number five: make uniforms.
Adding onto number fouris making uniforms. Making uniforms is my personal favorite because it's how I make all of my Robux. Now, uniforms is somethingthat almost every group is always looking forto get and or upgrade.
If you are really good at making clothes then making uniforms is definitely a way you can make even more. I once made uniformsfor a British Navy group back in the day andthey bought my uniforms for a total of 10,000 Robux.
I also sold to smallerbuyers to make even more. But needless to say, ifyou want to make more than what basic clothes canmake you, make some uniforms. Number six: sellingservices to group owners. There are many people whoown groups like War Clans or role-playing groups thatwould love to hire people to do specific services for them.
That could be making themclothing or uniforms, building them bases or businesses, making them ads to help them advertise, making them graphics, and many more. Some group owners sit on a lot of Robux and if you do a good enoughjob, they will pay you a lot.
I also have met many peopleon Roblox that have built and sold bases, and graphicdesigners who made thousands of Robux for making group logos, and other images for groups. The demand is out there,and if you're good enough you can make a lot.
Now, say you don't knowwhere or how to get in contact with group owners. Well, I have just the place for you. This game I'm currently in iscalled Group Recruiting Plaza, and this game is a place where many owners of groups come to recruit and do business.
When I was first startingout I would find an owner of a group here at the plaza and offer to make them uniforms fora fair amount of Robux.
Majority of people here arepeople just getting started on their groups and so they won't have too much Robux to pay you. But for beginner uniformmakers that can sell uniforms for 10 to 20 Robux a uniform, you can find a lot of people readyand willing to pay you.
Once you get really good, youcan start increasing your cost for uniforms andhopefully get to the point where others will be contacting you and offering lots of Robux for uniforms.
Best way to get businessis by having past clients refer their group owning friends to you. That's how you start making uniforms for the bigger clan ownersthat can drop 10,000 Robux on uniforms. Again, if you don't have Roblox Premium, the owner of the groupyou sell services to can payout the Robux toyou through their group.
You don't absolutely need Premium to do these services for group owners. Number seven: make a game. Roblox is a platform wherecreators can use their skills to make their own games, and if it's good, get people to play itand make Robux off of it.
And if their game reallyexplodes they can convert that Robux into real lifemoney, like the U.S. Dollar, by using Roblox'sDeveloper Exchange program.
Now, making a game isdefinitely the hardest thing on this list because making agame can get pretty intense, especially if you don't knowyour way around Roblox Studio. But like all things, youhave to start somewhere.
A good way to get startedis by making games like Obbies or Tycoons. These are easy but fungames that people love to play all the time. They don't necessarilyhave to be script heavy and most of the time you canfind scripts to start an Obby or Tycoon in the FreeModels tab in Roblox Studio. However, I would stay awayfrom using free models if at all possible.
Number eight: employee groups. Now this is for all my group people. Now if you don't knowwhat an employee group is, it is a group that the owner of the group pays its members for a service. Most of the time this service is to be active in their group.
If it's a war or mercenary group it'll be like gettingpaid for attending raids or trainings. But a lot of role playingrestaurants and retail stores pay their workers tostand behind a counter and serve customers.
Just know, for the most part these groups are pretty short-livedand can't run forever because they will eventuallyrun out of money to pay you. But while they are payingyou they can pay anywhere between 10 and even 500 Robux.
The 500 Robux being if you makeyour way through management. They may be hard to get into as well, but if you can score a spotinto a good employee group, you will make a lot.
You could even make an employeegroup yourself if you want, and you'd be the onemanaging all the Robux. Starting your own mercenary group would probably be theeasiest in my opinion.
So if you and a bunch of yourfriends are good fighters and can be active for someone else's raid, you can try to strike a dealwith some war clan owners to pay you and your mercenariesto help them in raids and jump start their group's activity. Unless you're the oneowning the mercenary group, you do not need Roblox Premium to do this.
Number nine: trading. Now this one requires Roblox Premium and a lot of Robux andhas a very high risk, but you can get a high returnof Robux if you do it right.
Now trading is a process thatI like to compare to stocks, where you trade your limitedhats, gear, and faces to other Roblox userswhen their value is low for items that are aboutto increase in value in hopes to increase theRecent Average Price or RAP and value of your items.
You can in return sell these items or keep trading them up the trade chain until you get even better items to sell. A good place to meet other players who are looking to trade their items is a game called Trade Hangout. This game allows you to seeeveryone's limited items and their value and RAP andso it'll be the best spot to trade and earn Robux.
Do know however that there are a lot of scammers in this community, so you better know what you're doing or you're gonna take some massive losses. A good way to know what todo is to know what the value and RAP of each itemis and especially know if the item looks as ifit'll go up in value soon.
You can see RAP and Valuein the Trade Hangout game using the game's user's interfaces. Some good tips to follow is to trade based on what has more value orwhat might increase in value with time and not just trade for RAP.
RAP is important to look at,but don't trade any old item because it might havemore RAP at the moment. Another tip is don't just trade items because you personally like the item.
Also, to be extra sure if anitem is a good trade or not, look up the item up on Roblox.com and look at these threethings: the price chart, the most recent resellers,and how frequently the item is being bought.
If the chart isn't somewhat level and the item isn'tfrequently getting bought, and the most recent resellersare selling the item for a lot less than thecurrent RAP, it's a bad item. Don't trade for it.
Lastly, if you get traderequests from random people, most, if not all the time, they are bots who send terrible tradesto a ton of people in hopes of making huge wins off people who don't know what they're doing.
So I would stay away far from that. Avoid it like it's the plague. Number 10: don't get scammed. This last one isn'treally a way to get Robux, but is more of a way to keep your Robux, and that is not getting scammed.
Unfortunately there aremany people out there that are trying to get Robux from you without wanting to do any kind of work to earn it for themselves. As you go about doing services for others, always be cautious of scammers. As a clothing/uniformcreator, I found it wise to always demand to get paid before sending them the shirt file. To show them that you'renot scamming them, what I would do is make animage with the uniform on it but put a huge watermark over it so that they can't just steal it.
You can do the same thing forgraphics and game trailers. just send them the pictureor video with a watermark and that'll be enough proofthat you aren't scamming them. Anyways guys, that's it forthis video of how to earn Robux.
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