zoho-verification=zb59036502.zmverify.zoho.in Best Android Apps to Protect Your Kids

 Best Android Apps to Protect Your Kids

Life is precious and so are your kids.  Here are few few must have apps to protect them:

1.  Picture Alert:  This app is incredible!  If your kids take any pictures or videos on their phone they are automatically sent to your email address.  That’s amazing I think.  Is it going overboard?  Not in this society it’s not.  There is so much junk out their today unless you don’t really care you should at least be somewhat aware of what images you child is viewing.  The app is only $1.99

2.  Nearparent:  This app is free and you should look more into it at http://nearparent.com/  The app lets you know where you child is, makes it easy for them to let you know also.  And they can send alerts out which you can track.  Almost like neighborhood alerts.  The alerts are green, yellow and red.  Green is just them checking in with you.  Yellow is a need they have that can wait a little while.  And a red alert is a more urgent situation.  Red means you child needs help as soon as possible.  Visit their website to learn more about it – a great Android App to help protect your kids.

3.  Last is the SafetyWeb Parent App.  This app is excellent because it encompasses both cell phones and computers and monitors chats, texts, social activity and almost anything that could endanger you child in anyway.

It is certainly worth looking into.

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